What is the Value of Placebo Pills?
Welcome to Placebo Depot~! We offer a comprehensive line of placebos at Placebo Depot, because WE want YOU to be WELL in EVERY way~! We believe you can be healthier and happier in your mind and body. At Placebo Depot, we are harnessing the combined power of placebos and faith to get you over every hurdle in your life. Click here to shop now, or read more about the intriguing benefits of following a placebo regimen to achieve and maintain physical and mental health. If you don’t see a placebo in our shop that meets your specific needs, simply tell us. We can check the warehouse, or create a placebo JUST FOR YOU.
(Click Here to see our full line of placebos & shop now~!)
It is fascinating to study the placebo effect. “The Placebo Effect is one of the strangest and least understood phenomenons found in human physiology and psychology. Most of us know a thing or two about it, namely that we can essentially cure ourselves of maladies simply because we believe we are being cured of them. In other words we trick ourselves back into health, proving that the brain is an extremely powerful entity“(1).
- A placebo does NOT require manipulation to work. In a recent Harvard study, a bottle with pills labeled PLACEBO worked just as well as the best medication. This is the fact that inspired us to found Placebo Depot, and stock our online placebo shop with the most extensive list of placebos available anywhere!
- “Approximately half the drugs that fail in late stage trials fail because they simply can’t out-perform placebos”.
- Another placebo effect is called “Nocebo”. This is funny~! People can also get the “side effects” of the thing that is being “placeboed”….. like irritable bowels or erectile dysfunction. The good news is, the only side effects you will encounter with our PLACEBO DEPOT brand placebos is an increased sense of well-being.
- The more placebo pills taken the better, with those taken four times a day more effective than those taken twice daily. Pills that have a “brand name” stamped on them also work better than pills that have nothing written on them. It appears that we humans are superficial even when it comes to the fake drugs we ingest.”
- We can’t (typically) will our way toward recovery, but need to take a pill. In essence, we need some sort of “external influence“ to initiate the sequence of events that lead to the placebo effect.
- Some high profile studies are showing that placebos can be as effective as anti-depressants (probably more effective since anxiety is a side-effect of some anti-depressants).
- Placebo pill color matters: “Researchers have learned that yellow placebo pills are the most effective at treating depression while red pills cause the patient to be more alert and awake. Green pills help ease anxiety while white pills soothe stomach issues such as ulcers.”
- “Fake surgeries can be just as effective as the real thing, taking the placebo effect to the next level.”
- Placebo effect also occurs with dogs, and other animals like lab mice.
- People can get “placebo drunk” on non-alcoholic beer, complete with lower IQ and impaired judgement. There is a youtube video showing a frat party that served up an alcohol free keg. I didn’t watch it. You can link to it from the listverse link below
- Placebos help you play golf better, do more push ups, and even take away your cough. That is why we have placebos for these and MANY other needs~!
(Click Here to see our full line of placebos & shop now~!)
Here are some additional sites to help you gain more information about the power of placebos. But, we are the only source for an extensive line of specific bottled placebos. You will have to come back here to shop.
- (1) Listverse.com (quoted above) has more crazy-fun in-depth placebo information. Link to listverse.com placebo list: 10 Crazy Facts About the Placebo Effect.
- (2) For more placebo stats and facts: placebo.com is a fun site. These guys are goofing off, and having a good laugh. Their motto: NOTHING WORKS BETTER!
- (3) There is a website, Placeboeffect.com, which holds itself up as ‘The Official Placebo Effect Resource‘ (whatever ‘official’ means in the world of placebos!) Here you can access classes, essays, an ebook and other resources on the phenomenon, though not the placebos themselves. You’ll have to come back to Placebo Depot to shop for a FULL LINE-UP of Fast Acting Placebos.